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Svein Åge Mathisen’s journey.

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Svein Åge Mathisen
Svein Åge Mathisen

Many have asked to hear my story, so in these pages I’ll try take you through some of the events of my life.  A powerful testimony about the love and power of my Lord Jesus Christ. And all that He has done in my life. Halleluja

My journey led me deeper into a darkness and bondage that no man or medicines in this world could deliver me from. Many stops on the way where God tried to get my attention, but no way, I was in charge of my own destiny and no one was going to tell me what to do.

Until one day at the ripe age of 31 when all hope was out, He came to me and gave me a new chance at life, and I took hold of it.

“It is finished!” Only you believe!

From my darkness

Yes it felt like hell some of the time.
Came to South Africa before I turned one year old, abandoned by parents. Life began with a lot of strife in a difficult country for europeans. Was neglected, unwanted, sexually abused, without love and just wanted to die already as a child. Failure at school and dropped out early, became partially homeless. Many attempts at suicide, despair and hatred grew. Addicted after the first attempt with mind changing drugs, felt included with dropouts, criminals, gangs and their lifestyle. 

Then I enlisted in the military, ended up in the war in Angola (2 years service), the burden I carried got only heavier.
Right after that I went to sea (merchant marines) and fell deeper into darkness.

Then I came to Norway, and there I experienced even more disappointment, deeper into darkness and all alone. Later I got a girl pregnant with my daughter, where she also was borne into this hell. Now admitted to reaching rock bottom of my darkest place. So alone, helpless and hopeless, my life was a real mess now, with absolutely no salvation in sight, hopelessly lost forever.

To His light

Suddenly the darkness and cold disappeared.
Then came the day when everything was turned upside down, my day of repentance. Out of the blue, unexpectedly, Jesus came into the living room where I lived and removed the fear, anxiety, drug abuse and destructive lifestyle, and filled me with a wonderful peace, joy and love.


Suddenly I wanted to live, it was too good to be true, Jesus lives and I feel his love and almighty power. 

It is so real that there are no words to explain what happened to me. Life is suddenly wonderful and I want to live, I AM FREE
He led me by His spirit and gave me a new family ( borne again christians) and abundant life worth living. Healed all my infirmity’s and returned all that I had lost, also my daughter.

And that’s just the beginning of a wonderful journey in the light. 

Follow me further on my journey here.

Then one day Jesus knocked on the door of my heart, and from that day I would never be the same again…
Glory! Halleluja!

Jesus is not a story but a reality, He gave his life to save me.
Just as He promised in the Bible, he has been with me every second of every day since 1991. This is true love. «agape» not because of anything I did or could do but because of who He is and what He has done.
Thanks for Calvary, and the message of the cross, where Jesus gave His life so we could live.
I know my redeemer lives.

Matthew 18:11-12 “For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.”
Romans 5: 8 
"Christ Died For Us While We Were Enemies"

Matthew 18:11-12
 “For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.”

JESUS, the Saviour and the Healer for you today!