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Faith as a child.

Svein Åge Mathisen and my sister Solveig

As a young boy we were forced into the Roman Catholic system, catechism on saturday mornings and church every sunday. Catechism at the monastery some saturdays, was a kind of sunday school. Where there were nuns and priests clothed in black, and a cold erie feeling in the buildings.

But one saturday at catechism they showed us an old black and white film, which changed my life for ever. The story was about a young orphan boy living at a monastery.  He was always picked on, and got the blame for what the other boys did. But he found himself a hiding place up in a dusty old loft, which was used as a storage room. The room was very cluttered with church stuff, chairs, tables and evan a life-size crucifix.

So one day while the boy was there, crying and heartbroken. Suddenly the body of Jesus which was on the crucifix became alive, lifted his head an looked at the boy. And as he spoke to the boy my heart jumped, I realized that Jesus was real and alive. It was as he spoke into my life, my eyes were opened and in my heart I believed in God.

I new for sure now that Jesus would always take care of me in some way. My faith was now settled in Him.

Now I could never doubt his existents no matter what.

Posted in Old life