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Which way to follow.

Svein Åge Mathisen

My first week as a christian, and can’t wait for church again. The church which I’d gotten saved in had meetings on Thursday evenings. The only christian I knew of, also a work colleuge and his wife picked me up at home to take me to their church, she was suffering with cancer at that time.

Came into church and the music started, then some guest preacher from America, he started talking about his ministry. He told us about all the people who were getting saved around the world, also from his ministry in many European cities. He told of thousands that were getting saved through his ministry. All great there, but I asked myself, what is this? Bragging! My friends are dying, what about them, has God forgotten Norway.
Even after all the years I’d spent on the street’s, among the worst criminals, drug addicts and the poor, and spent a lot of time in the worst slums around the world. Had never met a single person in the world who’ed ever mentioned the name of Jesus, except when they cussed.
So what was this guy talking about?

Halfway through the meeting they stopped and had a coffee break, I felt led to leave the meeting, didn’t feel well here, had to get out. While walking away, and wondering what was wrong with me, a bit confused. When two ladies came over and tried to encourage me to come in again, and not leave. Then another lady came to the door and called to the two who were talking with me, telling them to just leave me alone, and said ” Let him go”. Later I understood she spoke prophetic. I left and walked home asking God to help and lead me to where he wanted me to be.

So Friday after work,  I got a haircut, removed my earring, got dressed up and ready to meet my Lord. I asked the Lord to lead me where he wanted me to be. So that evening I walked out not knowing where I was going to.

The first place I was lead to was a large building which I walked passed daily on my way to and from work. Wondering why here, there was no signs saying it was a church. The sign on the building said International Restoration Revival Missions, that meant nothing to me. Knocked on the two doors front and back, and nothing happened.

Walked further on down the street and came to a Free Church (lutherans) saw the lights were on and cars in the parking lot. Knocked on the front door, it was locked and no one heard me. Walked around the building and saw people through the basement window, in a room playing the piano and singing… knocked on the window but still no response.

Was urged to walk on, came into the city sentrum (Fredrikstad) where I felt drawn to a place called “Open House”. Had never known of it before, when suddenly I was there, knocking on the back door. No one home, so I gave up and lit a smoke. Then a guy came out the door and told me the meeting was in another building around the corner. So we went there together.

Came in just before the meeting was closing, people were going up for prayer, and it felt good to be there. The preacher who was there was from Colombia and was sent to preach to drug  addicts in Europe.  Thought it would be safe if someone could pray for me in english, so he prayed and it felt so good.

Then another guy came late to that meeting (Thor Polsrud), one that I’d heard good rumour’s of. He was at once one of the worst alcoholics in town, had a terrible reputation, before Jesus found him. He’d come from a prayer meeting somewhere else, where they had heard I’d gotten saved, where they had just prayed for me.
So later that evening we went to a small gathering in someones house, a wonderful group of new friends.

The next day, Saturday.  Thor was going to pick me up and take me to his church. I was very excited, when the strangest thing happened. The church he belonged to was the first building God had led me to that Friday.
Yesterday while I knocked and rang the doorbel to that very same building, where they were gathered together in a prayer meeting on the third floor. Believe it or not, it’s tru. Thank you Jesus.

Posted in New Life