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First meeting at the Revivalcentre

International Resturation Revival Centre
The very first building God led me to that Friday night in October 1991.
Remember the feeling walking into the foyer and up the steps to the second floor where the congregation sat waiting for the meeting to start. Entering the full room and feeling something I had never felt before, a Devine atmosphere, in the presence of the living God. It was like a buzz in the air, and there was a great anticipation for what was about to happen. Found a chair over on the right, sat down not knowing what to expect. The strange thing is that I felt as though I had been there before, felt something like coming home.

Then the music started, a large quire with musicians started playing and singing music that was so exciting. At least four playing the accordian, guitars, symbols and drums, and they could make noise. The song style and tekst was so spesial, not what I would have chosen but I could feel something in it, that all my other music lacked. The message in the songs spoke to me, in my need and I was able to relax inside. Everyone stood and clapped to the music rejoising, was so refreshing.
Then suddenly a man rose up and shouted words in a language I’d never heard before, everyone stood still in reverence, then another stood up and translated the message, I felt God, this was so personal. The message spoke also to me and the tears flowed down my cheeks.
After a while another man came up front and started reading and preaching from the bible with such vibrance, the message was so powerful. Didn’t understand it all, but got so hungry for more. He gave it all, it was so explosive and powerful that I sat quite spellbound. Then people were asked to come for prayer, I waited and watched a little while, then just had to go up front and be prayed for.
An elderly man came and interceded with me, told me to lift up my arms while he put his hand on my heart and head. I felt it, it was like standing under a waterfall. Felt the water flowing through me, so cleansing. Wow!

Then after the meeting I went outside to have a smoke with another guy. I told him about the conflict within me after the sermon, he told me to go back inside and speak to someone there, while they were having cake and drank coffee… While I sat alone with my coffee, an elderly lady put her arm on mine and started interceding for me, others joined in. Then I felt something like an explosion inside me, felt like ice cold crystals left my body. Opened my eyes and felt their love toward me, I didn’t want to leave this assembly, no never.
Had really come home that evening, took part in every meeting from that day, couldn’t get enough.

Posted in New Life